I'm late starting this blog -- having too much fun.
Early in the year we started planning a Easterling family get-together in CO. I had the convention of the American Statistical Association to attend in Denver the first week of August, which meant a chance to see Jeff, Valerie, and Malia. Jeff came up with the idea of renting his boss's cabin/house in Winter Park (a couple of hours from Denver) for a few days after the convention and having Mike, Karen, and Jason come to CO for the occasion. Susie and I would be in Tuzigoot and after Winter Park grandson Jason would continue touring CO with us, travel back to Cedar Crest, then I would fly him home to Cary, NC. About two-thirds through, all is going according to schedule.
We drove to Denver on Friday, 8/1. About 430 miles, which is longer than we like to do in a day, but nearly all interstate, so not too bad. We parked at Lake Chatfield State Park, only about 10 minutes away from Jeff's home in Highlands Ranch, on the SW side of Denver. Malia spent some time with us at the lake on Saturday.
Sunday the ASA meeting started and Jeff and I took the light-rail train downtown to register and attend. You can read hundreds of presentation abstracts at this site. Mine is here. If you'd like a copy of my powerpoint slides, just let me know.
Jeff and I continued the daily commute mostly through Thursday. Susie spent Tuesday with Malia and they made chocolate chip cookies that we enjoyed for a week thereafter.
About a year ago, my nephew, Kevin McCubbins, who is the son of Judy's sister, Jan, moved to Castle Rock, CO, a few miles south of Highlands Ranch. Wednesday night we went there for a picnic and country music concert in the park. Kevin and Kellie have three children and the bonus was that Jan was in town for a visit (she lives in MO). The concert was cut short by rain, but we had a great time back at K&K's house visiting and being entertained by the kids. It's really special to watch our kids having and raising kids.
Now, it gets a little complicated. We wanted to stay with Mike, Jeff, and families in the Winter Park cabin, so we needed to park Tuzigoot someplace. The driveway at the cabin wasn't big enough. There were no RV parks in Winter Park (go figure). Following Winter Park, our plan was to drive to Silverton, in SW CO, for the weekend. Silverton has an annual brass band festival and friend, Scott Reinert, always participates (he plays horn) and various members of the Reinert clan attend. I went about nine years ago and have wanted to go back ever since, so this was finally the time. To get from Winter Park to Silverton, we needed to go west on I-70, so it didn't make sense to leave Tuzigoot at Chatfield. Jeff found an RV park in Idaho Springs, which is on I-70, near where you turn off I-70 on US 40 north to go over Berthoud Pass to get to Winter Park.
I told you that to tell you this: We drove to Idaho Springs Friday morning (only about an hour's drive from Chatfield) and parked there for the day and night. Saturday morning we closed up Tuzi, packed up the PT, and drove to Winter Park. Found the cabin and unloaded.
Meanwhile, Jeff and Valerie, in two cars, picked up Mike and family at the airport and headed to Winter Park, arriving about an hour after we did. Winter Park report and pictures in the next posting.
Rob and Susie
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